Internet Weather Source - From
the National Weather Service. Weather by state.
National Weather
Service Forecasts -
NW OR, SW WA Basin Info
Oregon Coast
Forecast - Scroll down to Coastal Marine Zone Forecasts.
Department of Transportation - Web cams and reports.
State River Levels - The
National Weather Service's (NWS) Internet data source....Weather.
State Weather - The
National Weather Service's (NWS) Internet data source....Weather.
State Weather
Satellite -
- The National
Weather Service's (NWS) Internet data source....Weather.
The Weather Channel -
You know it.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- NOAA's mission is to describe and predict changes in the earth's environment
and to conserve and manage wisely the Nation's coastal and marine resources.
National Weather Service - Your
official weather, warnings, observations and forecasts.
Portland's National Weather
Service - Current watches, warnings, statements and advisories.
Includes the Stonewall Bank and Columbia River buoy information.
U.S. Geological
- Time series
plot of average daily streamflow conditions for Oregon.
- Map of streamflow conditions for
the United States.